Featured Courses
Leadership Training
Do you want to lead a public..?? Have the power….?? No more stepbacks.. Join with us.. we providing different Training like , Political Leaders Training and Management Taining duration up to 1day,2day,3day,30hrs.
Outdoor Programs
Our Outdoor Programs are Career Guidance ,School, College Counseling & Guidance , Multi Level Marketing , Counseling Programs, Mind Power Trainings , Business Management , Team Building Workshops , Awareness Programs , Kudumbashree Unit Training , Premarital Courses , Mind Mastery.
Students Training
Improve Personal Effectiveness & self esteem by joining with us. We provide classes during 1day,2day,3day,30hrs. Available Trainings are  Engineering Students Training , Medical Students Training , LLB Training and Summer camp.
Learning Disability/ Certificate/ Diploma
By recognizing discrepancy between a child’s apparent capacity to learn and his or her level of achievement. Help them to cope up with the new society.Duration 1 Month to 1 Year Syllabus LEARNING DISABILITY ( 1 Month) * Dysgraphia * Dyslexia * Dyscalculia * Teaching Strategies for LD Children *…
Trainers Training
Are you perfect in managing a team..? Are you capable for convincing your ideas..?? We have the solutions like Teacher’s Training(50hrs)  , Cooperative Training(1day,2day,3day) , HR Training(30hrs) Govt , Employees Trainings(1day,2day,3day) , Bank Staff Training(30hrs) , IT Staff Training(1day,2day,3day,30hrs) , Insurance Staff Training(1day,2day,3day,30hrs).